Saturday, March 21, 2009

It has been so beautiful outside. We have definitely taken advantage of it. Its so nice to let haylie get all her energy out playing at the park and going on walks. I am so ready for this warm weather to stay! The sun makes me so happy and cheerful!

Daxton was all eyes at the park.
He was soaking it all in. It was the first time he got to feel the sand and the grass between his little toes.
There was lady bugs everywhere at the park so the kids got cups and caught tons of ladybugs! Haylie thought they were cool until one landed on her and of course she had to freak out for a minute until she was assured that they are nice bugs!

Haylie thought her cousin Cole needed a little help with the monkey bars. If only they were always so nice!

This is Haylies favorite thing at the park and she can finally
get on all by herself!


  1. SO cute! :) You guys sure make cute kids! Let's go to the Park together this next week! Yeah, I was wondering why I felt so down in the dumps, til the sun came out, and I remembered why! YEAH for SPRING!!!

  2. I want to go next week too, make sure you call me! Cute pics, your little guy is getting big!
