Saturday, April 18, 2009

half marathon

Me and my husband finally did our first half marathon. It was so much fun and it was all worth it. We really enjoyed it. Our families were all there to cheer us on.

This is my sister Ashlie and Ricky. She ran the 5k . The other one is me and my cute mom! Her and my Dad managed to miss me and Todd run in so they were waiting for like a half hour until I came up behind them. They were a little confused, it was funny. They had my baby so maybe they were distracted.


  1. YEAH FOR BROOKE AND TODD!!! You guys are amazing. :) I am proud...

  2. Hello! I still cannot believe you and Todd, you two are amazing!!!

    Sorry I didn't call you this week to go to the park, Shaylee has been to the doctor TWICE with her temp ranging from 101 to 104.4, its been a loooong, kinda scary week. Hopefully she will be better next week and you will have time to go. :)
