Friday, October 1, 2010

Pictures from his party.

Daxtons TWO!!

I can't believe my little Daxton is already 2!! Here are some things for him to remember.
You are such a fun cute boy with the cutest little smile ever!! You are in love with me and won't let me leave your sight. You won't even go to nursery at church!! You have a few select people you will let watch you. I'm hoping you will grow out of that soon. You loooove you your sister Haylie. You cry her name every time we drop her off at preschool because you miss her so much. You love to say hi to anyone in sight and you are talking a ton!! You say please and thankyou all the time and you dance everytime music is on just like your mama!! You love to play with your cars and balls along with Haylies barbies and babies! We're working on discipline because you seem to think you either hit or throw everything but you also are my little cuddlebug. You will snuggle with me at any time of the day! You don't let Dad leave to work without giving you hugs and kisses and you love to shut the door behind him before Haylie gets a chance to do it first. You have a cute little personality and it's not hard to make you smile. I just took you to your 2 year appt. and when we got to there you didn't want to go in. You kepts saying "Doctor, SCARY"! You must remember your 18 mo. shots! You are 43% in your height and 11% on weight. The doctor said your very muscular like your daddy. I am very surprised because you are a bottomless pit!! You eat and eat and eat anything and everything!! Your growing and learning so much each day and I feel so lucky to have you in our little family!!