Saturday, January 21, 2012

 Haylie is SIX!!!! She is getting too big! She is loving Kindergarten and she already has so many new friends! She is so social and so smart!! She amazes me all the time. She can read pretty much anything now! She started reading little words by 3 1/2  and now there is not much she can't figure out!! She has always caught on to things very easily. I don't know where she came from! Sometimes it would be nice for her to act little though instead of an adult!! She still cracks me up on things she says. Haylie is a very sweet girl. She is a great sister and she is just a joy to be around! She LOVES to sing. She make her voice shake and is always amazed by her voice because she says it doesn't even sound like her talking voice! She said she sung for a couple friends at school and the laughed. She said "I don't get it! They must not like singing"!   I love it!!She makes friends everywhere we go. She has a cute little boy she met in kindergarten that she loves!! She writes him letters and she even wrote his mom a letter saying she is in love with her son! That note somehow "dissappeared". She didn't understand why I didn't want her to give it to him. lol  I thought it was just nice and innocent until she told me she KISSED him behind the building at recess!! I was SHOCKED!! I didnt think I would need to tell her not to kiss boys but I guess I was wrong because apparently all the princesses kiss ther princes in all the disney movies so she thought it was ok!! She did not get it!! After a long talk I think I have convinced her that she has to be much older for that! I am just glad she told me! Oh Joys! I could go on and on about the silly cute things this girl says and does.
 Haylie got an american girl doll for her birthday and she is in love with her!

catching up a bit

 Beckams Blessing day - It was the weekend of the big storm so sacrament meeting was a bit strange. We took the sacrament and Todd did a wonderful blessing and that was it so everybody could go help clean up the neighborhood. I can't believe Beckam is getting so big already! I just took him to his 4 month checkup and he is 13 pounds! He is 75% in his height and head and 50% in his weight. He has been such a blessing. He smiles and laughs all the time and he can grab things now. It's so exciting to see him grow and learn so quickly.

 This is my grandma and grandpa Wilcock with most of the great grandkids!
 Haylie and her cousin Jordy at the christmas party.
 I love Haylies face in this. It's her first look at her presents Christmas morning. Christmas was so fun this year!! Daxton was big enough to get it. Although everytime we would have another christmas party with santa he would say "it's Christmas again"! This year Haylie asked for a rupunzel doll and Daxton was very specific on wanting a blue ladder and a sword and thats it! In the picture you'll see his "blue ladder". IT's as close as I could get and it passed the test. Haylie was sweet the night before Christmas she told me how excited she was but even if she only gets art stuff thats a little boring she will still be excited. I love her. She is always happy no matter what she gets!
 I got Daxton a tool set because he likes to take a real screw driver around the house and "fix stuff"

 This is what I got in my stocking this year! Couldn't ask for more!