I took Daxton to the Doctor today for his 9 month checkup. He's doing well. No shots on this one, just a prick on the finger. He is 18 pounds 17th % in weight, 52
%in his height and 47% in his head. He is a cute healthy little guy. He is so much happier now. He was very colicky the first few months of his life. He claps and waves hi now, but no crawling. He just chills and has no interest, but we're working on it. He smiles every time I talk to him. No teeth yet and Not sleeping through the night yet!! I am looking forward to that day!! And yes I have lost hope with the whole bottle thing. I have tried every bottle on the planet. No hope so todd has to bring him into work for me to feedhim. Im just hoping he'll do well with a sippy in the near future!!
Haaa... Oh I love this kid. :) He is so funny. WHAT a character. Never seen SUCH a happy, excited baby! Cutie..you guys sure make em cute!